Frequently Asked Questions

VOS Instructors are all comprehensively trained in our VOS Emergency Response and Risk Management Protocols plan. All instructors are experienced wilderness guides with a history of youth work. They will do their best to ensure that all participants have a safe and fun experience. It is the responsibility of each participant to adhere to the program safety guidelines as well as the personal code of conduct. Participants will always create a Social Contract with VOS instructors.

We expect all students within our programs to participate to the best of their abilities. They are expected to listen and follow directions from VOS staff so that they can have a safe and meaningful experience. We also expect our students to be respectful to themselves, their fellow campers and their instructors. Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco are NOT permitted at any time during your stay at camp.

We will provide appropriate equipment for all activities. Depending on the program (overnight or day trips) you will need to bring appropriate clothing (rain jacket, hiking boots, etc.), a backpack, personal items, and a sleeping bag (overnight programs only).  We will send a “What to Bring” list prior to the start of the program.

For overnight programs, a catered meal service will be provided. For day programs, the participant is responsible for bringing their own lunch and snacks. It is important to bring ready to eat meals (e.g sandwiches) and meals that do not require cooking/heating as the participants will not have access to microwaves, stoves, etc. while on day programs.

Participants must be the required minimum age by the time the program begins. We implement specific age ranges for our programs to meet the needs of our participants and ensure a quality experience. Our age ranges are thoughtfully created to ensure that the chosen activities, instructions and environments are age appropriate.

Our instructors evaluate every participant’s physical and mental status and adjust the activity’s level of difficulty accordingly. We strive to prepare participants to succeed in all outdoor activities and to have a positive learning experience. This program is designed to progressively challenge our participants.

No. To get the most out of our programs it is important to stay for the entire program. Unless there is a serious emergency, you are expected to stay for the duration of the program.

Yes. You may bring your phone on VOS programs. Your cell phone may serve as your camera, video recorder, map and notepad during the program; however, we encourage you to challenge yourself to keep its usage to a minimum during programming.