Family Involvement
We do It Differently
Often, experiential education programs for children are a black box experience for the parents. Once parents agree to enroll their child in an experiential program, the child leaves and the parents are left in the dark about what is happening with their child and what the child is learning. When the child returns, parents ask questions and may not receive a response that lets them understand the child’s experience.
The Vancouver Outdoors Society is committed to involving parents by explaining what took place during the program and how it affected their child’s learning and development. We ensure parents have the information necessary to help their child integrate their experiences and learnings into their family and other relationships, as well as their own self-development.
Join up the dots

Through modern technology and an innovative approach, the Vancouver Outdoors Society builds into its experiential programs mechanisms to deepen the parent’s understanding and involvement with their child’s experience. Some of the features could include:
The Vancouver Outdoors Society will complete logs and assessments on what happened during the program
Students will create before, during and post program self-assessments to evaluate their performance
Students will keep a daily log to record everyday activities, feelings and thoughts
Instructors will create video and photographs from the whole program and share them via cloud storage services (secured by passwords)
Our staff will demonstrate the results of the program and student’s projects with a group of parents in-person and/or online
The Vancouver Outdoors Society may also offer or refer families to additional services, such as:
- Family and adolescent professional counselling
- Educational counselling
- Tutoring
- Further individual lessons/programming
- Academic planning advice
- Etc.